Hottest Sauces With Flavor
Ready to dip your toe in the deep end, but don't want to sacrifice flavor? We've got you covered. These sauces are enough to start seriously testing your spice tolerance, but they're designed to be enjoyable, not just to make you hurt (if you want that, keep scrolling to our Top 3 Hottest Sauces).

Char Man Verde
"The best green hot sauce I've ever had, nothing comes close. I typically don't like green hot sauces, they're normally just sour and low heat, but this Verde hot sauce has amazing flavor with a little heat." - Mike N.

7o8 Optimus Primo
"This came in the very first monthly box of hot sauce and is a family favorite now I have to keep buying it every couple of months. The funny thing is when you smell this I swear it smells like a Mesquite Smokey something it is fabulous on anything. The heat level is correct it is an extra hot hot sauce but it is fabulous with tons of flavor" - Heather M.

Dragon's Breath
"This one’s up there with some of the hottest superhots, and is one you don’t see too often. It has a unique smoky flavor that I’ve started using on everything, and the grinder is a great way to control the amount. Not for the faint of heart!" - Neil R.

Dia Del Perro
"Can Lucky Dog Miss? Not From What I've Tried! I've tried most of Lucky Dog's sauces and this is my 2nd favorite after Black Label. Incredible on Mexican food...almost too good even! Can basically be dumped on like salsa and the bottle will disappear in days!" - Rob B.