We often see people using deal website to try to find coupon codes. That's great, but unfortunately these sites often display old codes or present them in misleading ways (eg saying a free shipping code is actually 20% off). So we thought, why not create a page that hopefully comes up when you search "Heathotsauce coupons" or "heat hot sauce discount codes" to give you correct information. Here are our currently active codes:
- 'SPICY' gives you free US shipping on hot sauce orders over $69.
- '5OFF' gives you $5 off any Hot Sauce of the Month Club subscription.
- '2OFFLIFETIME' gives you $2 off *every single renewal* for the Hot Sauce of the Month Club (a better deal if you want to do pay-as-you-go).
- Plus, remember to take advatnage of our Freebies program. Depending on your order size, you can get a free sticker, free sample packets, free Carolina Reaper Seeds, or even free full sized bottles of sauce.
Be sure to sign up for our newsletter for more discounts in the future, and check out our hot sauce sales page for deals on specific sauces.
Questions? Don't hesitate to ask via our Chat button.