Brother Bru-Bru's African Hot Pepper Sauce
Like the pied piper, Brother Bru-Bru (Bruce Langhorne) played his gigantic Turkish tambourine as he walked through the streets of New York’s 1960’s Greenwich Village. Dubbed “Mr. Tambourine Man” by Bob Dylan, his music and joyous spirit enticed locals to come out and dance behind him. His carefree lifestyle caught up with him in his 50’s; a routine medical check-up revealed a severe case of high blood pressure. So he created a sodium free hot sauce to bring some enjoyment back into his food, combining African spices, hot chile peppers, and cider vinegar for a classic flavor.
Heat Level: Medium
Ingredients: Apple Cider Vinegar, Water, Habanero & Japones Peppers, Garlic, Domestic & African Spices, Xanthan Gum.
Sodium: 0 mg
5 oz