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How to use Dried Carolina Reaper Pods

Our dried Carolina Reaper pods are a great way to experience the world's hottest pepper! Here are a few suggestions for using these fiery peppers.

1. Make Reaper Flakes

One great use is to make Reaper flakes. The end result will be similar to the crushed red pepper flakes that are ubiquitous in pizza places, except they will be much, much hotter. To make them, simply de-stem the peppers (wear gloves!), and then pulse in a food processor until they reach the desired consistency. Let the powder settle for a few minutes before opening the food processor. It may be advisable to do this outdoors, since some of the powder may go airborne. When you're done, put it in a glass spice jar and sprinkle on everything from pizza to Mexican food.

2. Use in Soup

One easy way to use whole reapers is to pop them in a pot of soup. Add a pod or two, and let them cook in the liquid, and then remove them before serving. Much of the heat will have soaked into the soup. 

3. Make Your Own Hot Sauce

Making your own hot sauce can be a lot of fun. Experiment with any blend of fruits (mangoes, pineapples, citrus, etc), vegetables (onions, carrots, garlic, etc), & vinegar (apple cider, white distilled, rice wine, etc). To soften up the dried peppers, the key is to soak them in liquid to re-hydrate them. And remember to always refrigerate home-made sauce unless you know what you're doing in terms of food preservation. For more on making your own sauce, check out this thread on The Hot Pepper forum.


  • Always wear gloves when handling super-hot peppers!
  • If you are processing peppers, it is a good idea to do it outside, or in a place with good ventilation. Keep in mind the well being of your pets, neighbors and housemates.
  • If you get hot stuff on your skin, try rubbing vegetable oil on the affected area, and then rinsing with soap. Repeat as needed, at least a few times. 
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